SciPy |曲线拟合
给定由一组点组成的数据集,找到代表数据的最佳拟合。 我们通常有一个由遵循一般路径的数据组成的数据集,但是每个数据都有一个标准偏差,这使得它们分散在最佳拟合线上。我们可以使用曲线拟合()函数得到一条直线。 使用 SciPy : Scipy 是 Python 的科学计算模块,在许多著名的数学函数上提供内置函数。scipy.optimize 包为我们提供了多种优化程序。在 iPython 控制台中键入以下内容,可以找到优化的所有功能的详细列表:
最常用的有最小二乘法、曲线拟合、多元标量函数的最小化等。 曲线拟合示例– 输入:
蟒蛇 3
import numpy as np
# curve-fit() function imported from scipy
from scipy.optimize import curve_fit
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
# numpy.linspace with the given arguments
# produce an array of 40 numbers between 0
# and 10, both inclusive
x = np.linspace(0, 10, num = 40)
# y is another array which stores 3.45 times
# the sine of (values in x) * 1.334.
# The random.normal() draws random sample
# from normal (Gaussian) distribution to make
# them scatter across the base line
y = 3.45 * np.sin(1.334 * x) + np.random.normal(size = 40)
# Test function with coefficients as parameters
def test(x, a, b):
return a * np.sin(b * x)
# curve_fit() function takes the test-function
# x-data and y-data as argument and returns
# the coefficients a and b in param and
# the estimated covariance of param in param_cov
param, param_cov = curve_fit(test, x, y)
print("Sine function coefficients:")
print("Covariance of coefficients:")
# ans stores the new y-data according to
# the coefficients given by curve-fit() function
ans = (param[0]*(np.sin(param[1]*x)))
'''Below 4 lines can be un-commented for plotting results
using matplotlib as shown in the first example. '''
# plt.plot(x, y, 'o', color ='red', label ="data")
# plt.plot(x, ans, '--', color ='blue', label ="optimized data")
# plt.legend()